About us

The CyberSphere experience

It all started when CS went to South Korea and saw this new exciting sport that is really popular. It is quirky in a way that the players are basically banging each other with their drones, which is very against the norm, where drones are supposed to avoid crashing into things. There was a huge following and many players are crazy about this game, and CS felt that this game must be brought back home. Thus, CyberSphere was founded on 2023 to provide the same fun and exciting experience to our players in Malaysia. CS also signed an agreement with more than 20 countries to be a member of the FIDA - Federation of International Dronesoccer Association.

Currently we are working on various sites to set up the courts for our players. Play drone soccer with CyberSphere and be selected to join the team to the drone soccer world cup!

Our team

Managing Director


Marketing Director


Technical Director
